A Day In The Life of Kansas City

At times our perspective on everyday life can be narrow when we get wrapped up in our personal agendas and the stress of what needs to get done, and it’s easy to forget about the rest of the world. There are over 7 billion people on this planet and every single one of them has a story. I want to broaden the scope of what’s happening in a person’s own life, to what’s happening in everyone’s lives in the same moment. To let people feel that they are a part in a whole, to feel inspired by possibility. I want to know what happens in just one single day, sunrise to sunset.

I don’t want to take on the whole world though (not yet), but Kansas City. I want to call Kansas City into action and ask people to film, take photos, draw a picture, or write a note – anything to document their day. All on the same day. A twenty-four hour period to capture life and possibility in Kansas City that happens all around us that we often take for granted. I want to collect all these moments from our community and sew them together into a beautiful story for everyone to be a part of (probably in a website).

A big part of the magic of this is the ticking clock, capturing the possibility of a singular day. So I would be challenged to reach out to all of Kansas City, to promote this idea through design (posters, social media, videos), to get enough people on board to make it happen. And then to be able to compile the documentation into a visual story that can inspire. To show just a fraction of the story that is happening all around us everyday. To get people out of their own heads for a bit to see that life is so much larger than it seems. Because sometimes we forget that.

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